Crisis-Driven World, Crisis-Driven Saints

Breaking news financial crisisShootings. Earthquakes. Financial crash. Typhoons.  Wars.  In His Word, God forewarns us of turmoil to come. He tells us these things so we won’t be distressed. Yes, we have empathy and concern for those affected—but our faith should not be moved nor should our reactions become crisis-driven. Our actions should be Spirit-led.

Read the following excellent post written by Hakim Hazim, dear friend,Voices Against the Grain radio show guest, national security expert, author and co-founder of Christian think tank, Freedom Squared. His post, “Crisis-Driven World, Crisis-Driven Saints,” speaks to the crisis-driven media that sends many into crisis-mode, fleeing from their inherited peace and rest found in Jesus Christ. Thank you Hakim for allowing Voices Against the Grain to share this message with our readers.

John 16:33:

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (English Standard Version)

Hakim Hazim, Co-Founder of Freedom²

Hakim Hazim, Co-Founder of Freedom²

Everywhere we look we are reminded of impending doom and worst case scenarios. There is something about the human soul that is attracted to good character, beauty and hope; conversely, we are drawn to and occupied by evil, fear and uncertainty. Try making a movie without those six elements and the heroes and antagonists who embody them, and you will ensure a flop. Art mirrors life.

As a species we nurse the wounds and injuries we have acquired over the years. We constantly devise ways to protect ourselves and loved ones that come up short. Long term hope seems in short supply and when good things happen our next question is, how long will it last? This sometimes drives us to conclude we should extract everything we can from situations or people that will benefit us because we never know when they will end. We become survivalists and takers—not givers as instructed by scripture. Living in a perpetual state of high alert concerning the potential crises we may face next, we lose sight of our Savior. The world is crisis-driven and unfortunately, so are many saints.

To remedy this, I offer some instruction. Consider the statement of Christ above. He said that we would face tribulation in the world. There is no way around it; so plan on it and accept it. Next, ask God how we can glorify Him in the crises we face. We were born in a turbulent ocean but He has given us the navigational tools for the journey and an arc—Christ, who will safely guide us home to the New Jerusalem. Our peace is knowing that He is with us in every crisis, and He has equipped us to face each one, even those of our own making.

We must learn to be Spirit-led, not crisis-driven. The noise and tumult demand our attention, but we don’t have to focus on to them. God is worth our undivided attention. Let us rest in that regardless of what is to come. He has chosen us; therefore when He moves us forward and we see something on the horizon, we should move forward whether it appears fortuitous or ominous.

About Hakim Hazim

Hakim Hazim, author of several published books and articles, nationally recognized criminality and national security theorist is the co-founder of Freedom², which focuses on believers in America and other free societies. Hakim, who is based near Boise, Idaho, was raised Muslim and is a born-again Christian since 1993. Daniel Jackson, a former youth pastor, is the organization’s other founding member and technology expert with a Fortune 500 company. Other project partners include researcher Charles Holmes, Jr., and Dracy Jenkins. Hakim is also the founder of the Christian-based national security consultancy, Relevant Now, which provides clients with ”timely, insightful and transformative information.” Hakim has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas and a Master of Arts in National Security Studies from the California State University San Bernardino.