Be a Voice

woman writing on laptopAre you a voice against the grain for God’s Kingdom? Do you desire to help people successfully navigate this life in truth and not deception? Would you like to write with us (most people say “write for us” but we view you as a partner) to boldly share God’s Word to advance His Kingdom in the earth? If so, read below!

We don’t take lightly or for granted that God has entrusted us to “feed his sheep” — to educate, encourage and equip Believers and nonbelievers in His glorious Word. The opportunity to lovingly impart eternal seeds of light and truth into the hearts of others as Ambassadors of Christ is truly a blessing. Each of us who are born-again believers of Jesus Christ, whether laymen or seminary trained, are ministers of the Gospel by the gift of God’s grace working through us (Ephesians 3:7, 2 Corinthians 3:6). As Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them everything I have commanded you.” (NIV) God encourages us to share His truth so the veil of deception can be lifted, that clarity would replace confusion and people can begin to walk in abundant life as Jesus promised us and to also equip others.

In sharing God’s Word, we are also instructed to study the word so we may accurately handle/rightly divide the word of truth as told in 2 Timothy 2:15. We yield to the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth (John 16:13). Yes, as humans we are fallible but God’s Word is infallible–perfect. In our imperfections in delivery, we ask God’s grace that His perfect Word will still reach and prick hearts even if we don’t say it quite right.

Since our founding in May 2013, we have operated as a counter-culture ministry that is “advancing God’s Kingdom in a ‘do your own thing’ society.” In seeking various freedoms, society is apt to run from God and not to God. We share God’s Word to dismantle the counterfeit freedoms offered by the world by directing audiences to true liberty found only in Christ Jesus. Our content is primarily geared to equip and encourage Believers toward spiritual maturity and also serves to open the eyes and hearts of nonbelievers. In praying on, preparing and delivering our messages we seek the Holy Spirit’s leading. Our messages are rooted in one or more of our key ministry objectives in reaching people:

  • To Bring Clarity and Restoration from Deception. God’s Word is a sword that will cut to the deepest places, bringing undeniable truth to those willing to receive it and to those seeking healing and true freedom, true love, true peace. His Word blows away the fog so ultimately, confusion is removed and clarity and restoration can occur.
  • To Educate and Equip. We teach God’s truth for abundant living that will help people successfully navigate in an ever-changing world with a God who is forever constant. God’s Word is not subject to consensus or vote, as in democratic societies.
  • To Encourage. Through content and stories shared by other believers, we encourage others to know they are not in this struggle alone—and with God, we are never alone.
  • To Love in Truth. We are committed to showing love while sharing the truth; our intent is not to disparage anyone—only to disparage Satan and his counterfeit schemes. This is not to say the truth won’t hurt and won’t punch. It may.


If the aforementioned appeals to you and you are led in the Spirit to write with us, we would love to talk with you and get to know you. Please email us at and briefly explain your passion or desired area to share the Word that aligns with our key objectives. If you are selected to write with us we will explain to you the easy editorial process for submitting your article.

To learn more on why we do what we do, please read our “About” page.

Thank you and Blessings! May you be a Voice Against the Grain wherever God plants you.

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