Have I Been Honest with You?

Nicole Headshot in blue shirt

Nicole D. Hayes, Founder, Voices Against the Grain

Have I been honest with you?

A bad hairdo. An unflattering outfit. A not-so-hot girlfriend or boyfriend. Many of us have been asked by family, friends or colleagues to offer our honest feedback to a possible look or style gone bad, or about someone questionable they are dating. Some of us are reluctant or shy away from giving such feedback in order to protect the person’s feelings (and some of us are brutally honest, lol). Unfortunately for me, the feedback in such delicate situations may not always come from my mouth before it is already written all over my face.

Honesty is a valued character trait. The answer may not always be what we want to hear though I/we appreciate being able to turn to those who we know will give us the truth regardless. Their first priority is to preserve us from facades and the tragic effects of whitewashed truth.

We are living in increasingly wicked days, in perilous times and behaviors described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. People are murderous, slanderous, lovers of themselves. They call evil “good” and good “evil.” Pleasure replaces holiness. Do what feels good. A culture of “do as thy wilt, live and let live” instead of “Thy will be done.” Compromise, fluidity, whitewashing and rejecting the truth. “Freedoms” that have people in chains. Even so, few draw the biblical connections as to why our world is in perpetual moral decay and decline. Although Satan is a defeated foe, he is indeed the prince of this world and is surely taking captives with him.

If we aren’t starting from the foundation of the fall to explain how sin entered the world and the consequences that ensued and continue today, then our reasoning is flawed. In the chaos, many will rely on their own intellect and seek solutions independent from God. Self-reliance on the surface seems noble and brave but it is a great deception. Satan wants us to think we can be our own god. But through deception and self-reliance, many will find that they’ve built their houses on sand instead of upon the solid Rock that is Jesus Christ. Proverbs 14:12 tells us that “There is a way that seems right to a man but it’s end is the way of death.”

I’ve not always been as straightforward as I could have in conversations with unbelievers or nominal Christians. At times I’ve remained silent or simply given a nod–not agreeing with what they’re saying but understanding why they say what they say. I didn’t seize the opportunity to impart truth although I’m unsure it would have been received. At the time I chose to steer away from an argument to preserve the bridge to revisit them later.


Getting Right Down To It: Why Should We Care if People Receive the Truth?

Why should we care if people receive the Truth? Because someone loved us enough to tell us the truth and I am beyond grateful.

Through the Great Commission, Jesus commissions (commands) Christians to disciple others in the truth. This command is given not only to pastors and priests but to all who follow Christ. Honestly, we aren’t always hearing the straight truth delivered from the pulpit lest someone gets offended. The late pastor David Wilkerson called this “the gospel of accommodation.” We should hope the Gospel offends and agitates rather than comfort a culture that rejects life on God’s terms. There is a heavy cost to such accommodation and denying our need for a Savior to rescue us from the clutches of sin. In the world’s deceptions, Satan is robbing them of “life and life to the full.” (John 10:10) Jesus calls Satan a thief and the father of lies. Be not deceived by the so-called “freedom” that the world is peddling.

The situation is far worse than a hairdo or fashion gone bad. People are gambling with eternity and a holy and just God. I pray to be honest with those deceived not wanting them to perish as participants and victims in the lies; not wanting them to miss out on life in the fullness of God. It burdens my heart. If you’re a Believer reading this, you likely lament over the ungodliness. Our culture has removed many of the moral and biblical guardrails that would guard against it’s implosion. Thank goodness for the guardrails that remain, predominately maintained by God’s grace, His mercy, His sovereignty and His People. And yet, it feels like we “are but a whisper away” from God’s wrath as a dear sister in Christ expressed.

We know that not everyone who has been given the truth will receive and apply it, for they will only want to hear what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3-4). We will at least have given them the opportunity to hear and respond to it.

Some dear brothers I love recently returned from a basketball tournament in New Mexico. They are much older than their opponents but they did not let the perceived threat of their opponents’ youth deter them from playing their hearts out. Before going, one of them said, “We have to leave it all on the court.”

As the Holy Spirit leads us in what to say or what to do, we have to leave it all out there. Not a word or action short of what He instructs.

If not, this is some of the plethora of deceptions that sprouts:

The Spiritual and Moral Bankruptcy of ‘Progressive’ Christianity


If this writing seems heavy it’s because it is. The days are urgent and short. Saints, keep being salt and light. Keep praying. Remain steadfast and dutiful. Work while it is day for soon it will be night and we will work no longer. Accept your commission to share the gospel and disciple others. Keep making the mighty and wonderful Name of Jesus known. Keep telling folks the reason for the hope you have. Remember the joy set before you. Love and Truth wins.

Embolden us Lord,



In case you missed it: In advancing God’s Kingdom in our immoral culture, read my two articles recently published with The Christian Post on physician-assisted suicide and abortion written on behalf of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.