Remove False Labels

Psalm 139:14- “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (New International Version)

Nicole D. Hayes, Creator of Voices Against the Grain

Nicole D. Hayes, Creator of Voices Against the Grain

I love this verse from Psalm 139:14. In reading it, a joyful feeling comes over me as I think about the care and love God put forth in creating me.  He created me with purpose, and not by accident or out of coincidence. Every feature He created for me and you is by His design.  A step further, I smile as I consider my name given me by mom and dad. My name Nicole means “the people’s victory” or “victorious one.” I love it! In reading Psalm 139:14, the meaning of my name, and countless other scriptures concerning what God says about me, I am confident in who I am in Him.

What is in a name? Certainly part of our identity. Given whatever good meaning of your name, why would one ever embrace a name or label that negatively describes them? A label so negative that even if said in jest or in passing, some assume the label and wear it. Labels such as “failure,” “not very smart,” “not pretty/not good-looking,” “unlovable” and a host of other untruths (or “clutz” was the label I used to wear). If God doesn’t define us this way, why do we place these labels upon ourselves or allow others to?

In truth, Satan hopes you allow the negative labels to talk you out of accomplishing your purpose. That would be one less person focused on advancing God’s Kingdom. However, I am here to confirm you were born with a purpose; created for a special work. In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart.” (New International Version)

If you are wearing or associating yourself with negative labels, revamp your thinking. These labels are false and not representative of you or your purpose. Ask God to show you, “What labels have I attached to myself or my life that may be limiting what God wants to give me? What labels have I bought into that are hindering what God wants to do through me?”

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